Welcome to American Writers Review; a multi-genre literary and art journal. Though we've been in print for a number of years, we are still searching for the best work to share with our readers.
It seemed like such a good idea.... But now?
For our new issue, we are seeking written work and imagery that springs from the moment when the best-laid schemes have turned to dust. The crash can be obvious, subtle, even not yet realized. The piece's point of view could be disappointed or triumphant or oblivious. The moment of remorse could be immediate, in the future, or long in the past.
Please read the submission guidelines carefully before submitting.
We welcome submissions of previously unpublished poems, short stories, creative non-fiction, art, short plays/monologues and photography, and seek contributions from anywhere in the world. Our recent issues have featured contributions from England, Scotland, Australia, China, Israel, the Philippines, as well as the United States.
If your piece has appeared in an online or print journal, it is not "unpublished."
Submissions can be sent to us through our Online Submission Manager. We will not accept emailed or snail mailed submissions.
We particularly welcome submissions that include both written pieces and images that spring from a shared experience or inspiration.
Follow the instructions on the submission page carefully.
Regular submissions will be accepted from March 1, 2015 to September 1, 2025. We charge a small reading fee of $5 to defray our costs. Payment is in contributors' copies. Entries must be in English, (prose must be double-spaced) in Word or RTF format. Art and photography must be in JPEG format, 200-300 dpi, suitable for black and white reproduction.
The contest is open all writers, of any experience level. Written entries must be in English, (prose must be double-spaced) in Word or RTF format, Art and photography must be in JPEG format, 200-300 dpi, suitable for black and white reproduction. While we expect to produce an e-book format in color, our print journal is black and white only.
Contest submissions will be accepted from March 1, 2025 to August 1, 2025 There is a single cash prize of $250, based on the judges' scores, plus publication of the winner and finalists. There is a $15 fee to defray our costs.
For contest entries only: Please do not include identifying information on your contest submissions, except in the section of the submission manager marked “cover letter.” If we see identifying information anywhere else, we will disqualify your submission and not refund your fee.
For both contest and regular submissions, we are looking for previously unpublished work, well-written with a human sensibility. Excerpts are acceptable, but they must work as stand-alone pieces. We reserve the right to edit for punctuation, sense, and length.
Few things are complete turn-offs, but porn, excessive gore, and gratuitous violence are a few. Work aimed at a children's audience is likewise not a good fit for us.
We also welcome submissions that include both written work and images. If an image evokes a written response, we want to see it. If a written work cries out for an image, feel free to send one along. Needless to say (but we will say it), if you submit written pieces and images, you must be the owner of both. We reserve the right to accept/reject/separate both pieces.
All authors grant first rights.
Again, submissions must be in English, double-spaced, in Word or RTF format.
Simultaneous submissions: Of course, you do it. Everyone does it. Just let us know as soon as you can if you have been accepted elsewhere. If you want to enter a piece in the contest and as a regular submission, you are, of course, free to do so.
FICTION GUIDELINES:Submit no more than two pieces at a time. American Writers Review seeks distinctive, character-driven stories. Aim for 2500 words or fewer, although we will not necessarily reject pieces that are slightly over that length. If you are submitting a written work with an image, that will be considered two pieces.
While we are not dogmatic about genre, we do not want porn, children’s fiction, or things that will make us retch without a really good reason.
Put “Fiction” and the title of your piece in the “Title” field of the entry form.
POETRY GUIDELINES:Submit no more than two poems at a time. We are seeking pieces that make their point in a tight, concise fashion. While we do not have a strict word limit for poetry, we do not encourage you to submit epics (think “The Illiad”) or multi part structures (“Spoon River Anthology” is many poems, not one). Also, please note that we publish in 6"x9" format. If your poems do not fit that format, consider how they can be accommodated. If you are submitting a written work with an image, that will be considered two pieces.
Put “Poetry” and the title of your piece in the “Title” field of the entry form
NONFICTION GUIDELINES:Submit no more than two works at a time. American Writers Review seeks distinctive, concise, tight pieces. Aim for 2500 words or fewer, although we will not necessarily reject pieces that are slightly over that length.
If you are submitting a written work with an image, that will be considered two pieces.
Put “NonFiction” and the title of your piece in the “Title” field of the entry form
DRAMA/MONOLOGUES: This is a new area for us. Please submit only one work, concise and short. Aim for 5 minutes for monologues, 7-9 minutes for dramatic works, although we will not necessarily reject pieces that are slightly over those lengths.
PHOTOGRAPHY AND OTHER ART GUIDELINES: You are welcome to submit color and black and white photographs and digital copies of drawings and paintings. Art and photography must be in JPEG format, 200-300 dpi, suitable for black and white reproduction, if choose that format.
Put “Photography” or “Art” and the title of your piece in the “Title” field of the entry form.
You must be the creator/owner of any work submitted. By this, we mean, we are uninterested in AI created, plagiarized, or otherwise "not your work." If we discover that it is not your work, we will reject it.
We are aiming for publication in winter 2025, so you will find out fairly quickly if your work has been accepted.